Reading Books Today - Leading Tomorrow

Reading books is one of the most pleasurable activities that anybody can do. There are some people that slide through school and out into the real world without being able to read. I cannot comprehend how that happens, but it does. I cannot imagine living in a world where reading would be something I could not do. This is something that is very crucial to a good life, and it usually starts out with cultivating reading habits when we are very young, even if we just look at them for a moment and then browse through them for a while.
As children age past the age where they have learned to read, reading is still very vital. Those who read always have a leg up on everyone else, and will usually do very well in school. There are some books that are made for those who may have a learning disability or are having problems with reading, and these special programs can usually be found through your school. You do not need to worry about a child that has problems with reading, but as an alternative, find the best solution to help them. Even if someone can only get to a certain level of reading will still do much better in life than those that slide through the cracks.
One of the best things you could be doing with your child is reading books. This is something that you have to do as soon as he is old enough to focus his eyes on a picture, even if he was not yet old enough to understand what the words meant. Reading is something you must do with him all of the time, and it will show well in his performance in school.
If you are not sure about which books you should be reading to your child, do not think too far. There are thousands of books out there just for children and any of them will work for them. When they are young, look for books that have large multi-colored pictures and that may have few words. The stories should be very simple and should wrap up quickly. As they grow older, the books can then become a bit more detailed, though images are still very important. Relating pictures to words is going to be very helpful when they start school.
You should always keep in mind that if your child cultivates the habit of reading today, he is only getting ready for the responsibility of leading tomorrow because readers are leaders.

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